Fields of Sorrow

In the quiet after chaos, as the night begins to fall
Echoes of a thousand cries, fade into the pall
The battlefield lies silent, beneath the moon's soft glow
Where once the clash of swords rang out, now only shadows grow

Oh, the fields of sorrow, where the wildflowers weep
In the gentle breeze, the secrets they keep
Whispering tales of a war so fierce
A land once vibrant, now pierced

Scattered dreams of soldiers, left upon the ground
Tattered flags and broken shields, tell stories all around
The trees stand as silent guards, with branches reaching high
Witnesses to the storm of strife, beneath the darkened sky

Oh, the fields of sorrow, where the wildflowers weep
In the gentle breeze, the secrets they keep
Whispering tales of a war so fierce
A land once vibrant, now pierced

No cries of pain, no sights of gore
Just the haunting peace that comes before
The dawn will break, with light anew
Yet these fields remember, the lives they once knew

Moonlight bathes the silent earth, in silver beams of grace
Softly kissing wounds of war, upon the landscape's face
Time will heal the broken ground, and nature will reclaim
Yet the echoes of the past remain, whispering their name

Oh, the fields of sorrow, where the wildflowers weep
In the gentle breeze, the secrets they keep
Whispering tales of a war so fierce
A land once vibrant, now pierced

In the stillness of the night, where shadows gently lay
The memory of a war endures, though time may fade away
And in the heart of every soul, the hope for peace will grow
From the fields of sorrow, a brighter world will glow

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