West Coast
West Coast
IKaNT fuK WiTchu

IKaNT smoKe WiTchu siLLy MFs
No sirrrry
IKaNT fuK WiTchu BroKe MFs
QuiT TryNa BuM off me
IKaNT eNTerTaiN No NaGGiN azz GimPs
So ByTch doNT BoTher me
IKaNT fuK WiT No sucka azz WimPs
So soN doNT Try 2 FaTher me

WhaTs A CliPPer 2 A LaKer
A Ram 2 A CharGer
A RiP 2 A Roo
AN AnGel 2 A DodGer
DoNT meaN iM smarTer
JusT GoTTa Push harder!
QuiT BumPiN my yachT
WiTcha MF charTer
U jusT TryNa Knock a PimP
By GiViN me ya fuKiN DauGhTer
21 & uP Tho
I'mma Pussy farTer
I'mma Pussy BarTerer
IF u Was smarT
U Would fuKiN Guard her
& NoT Be so quick
2 MF ParT WiT her
BuT fuK iT Tho
IM accePTiNG all aPPlicaTioNs
I'mma sHyT sTarTer
My sHyT harder, call me ToNGkaT Ali
The WesT S.CarTer
MANi$H as fuK liKe a miliTary BarBer
WesT CoasT MF @ The BalTimore harBor
GoiN Babalu oNNa ByTch
(ReGard her)
Lemme TaKe ya order
LiKe LaKe TrouT oN Reisterstown
TurNiN me iNTo a

IKANT smoKe WiTchu siLLy MFs
No sirrrry
IKANT fuK WiTchu BroKe MFs
QuiT TryNa BuM off me
IKANT eNTerTaiN No NaGGiN azz GimPs
So ByTch doNT BoTher me
IKANT fuK WiT No sucka azz WimPs
So soN doNT Try 2 FaTher me

I WriTe, I sPiT, I sTay
TaKiN a shit
My RiP MFs misTaKiN me 4 a Roo
My Roo MFs misTaKiN me 4 a RiP
DoNT really maTTer Tho
IM BoTh of em Ho
All G WiTiT
ON all aN G PiVoT
There's more of us iN iT
JusT haPPeNed 2 Name 2
DoNT Be so offeNded
If ididNT FuKiN Name U
Should Be more focused oN Them
6-9 ByTches Wit 6-9 Wayz
Giving em 6-9 sTiTches
Pussy all iN ya face
DisGraciNG The GAME
Pussy all iN ya face
GoT u coNfused oN Who 2 fuKiN Blame
This OG sHyT ByTch
Hell No iT AiNT The FuKiN same
Hell No ThaT AiNT The NeW GAME
Hell No This MAN sHyT ByTch
BuT if U GoNe RuN WiTiT
MaKe sure U Say iT WiTcha MF ChesT!

IKANT smoKe WiTchu siLLy MFs
No sirrrry
IKANT fuK WiTchu BroKe MFs
QuiT TryNa BuM off me
IKANT eNTerTaiN No NaGGiN azz GimPs
So ByTch doNT BoTher me
IKANT fuK WiT No sucka azz WimPs
So soN doNT Try 2 FaTher me

QuiT ThiNKiN WiTcha MF DiKs
QuiT ThiNKiN WiTcha MF CLiTs
My CLiCK's oN Some WealTh Shit
ThaT eleVaTiNG Ur HealTh Shit
ThaT BaTTLiN WiT mySelf Shit
KeePiN me oN my STealTh Shit
QuiT acTiN LiKe U ELF-isH
This Wizard's oN some SHE-LF Shit
LiKe U GeTTiN dealT WiT
U AiNT ruNNiN sHyT
BuT CrYiN aBouT BeiN free
U doNT ThiNK LiKe me
U caNT Be NeXT 2 me
Ya DieT, Ya GriNdiNG, 2 ur PersPecTiVe of HisTory
This MF moVemeNT is all aBouT ProViN iT
UNiTiNG LiKe a MF While u CoWards TrY & ruiN iT
BuT U caNT KNOCK mY NiPseY Hussle
From the 6__ to 8__
That souTh CeNTral Muscle

IKaNT smoKe WiTchu siLLy MFs
No sirrrry
IKaNT fuK WiTchu BroKe MFs
QuiT TryNa BuM off me
IKaNT eNTerTaiN No NaGGiN azz GimPs
So ByTch doNT BoTher me
IKANT fuK WiT No sucka azz WimPs
So soN doNT Try 2 FaTher me

WeST coaST
IKaNT fuK WiTchu
U Sucka MFs
I'd raTher ___ WiTchu
NoW duck MFs
U ouTTa luck MFs
Ride, coaST, coaST, coaST WiTTa ToaST
WeST coaST

Writer(s): David Drew, Anthony Sorensen
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
