Journey Home

In the quiet of the night, I hear a whisper
A call that's pulling me, though I'm not sure
Through the shadows of my doubts, I wander
Seeking something real, something more

Every step I take feels heavy
Every choice, a forked road
But deep within, a fire's burning
Guiding me to where I'm meant to go

I'm on a journey, searching for purpose
In the echoes of my heart, I hear the way
Though the path is rough and the night uncertain
I'll keep on walking, find my home someday

There's a light I see, faint but growing
A beacon in the dark, ever glowing
With each breath I take, I feel it nearer
The answer to the quest, becoming clearer

Every step I take feels heavy
Every choice, a forked road
But deep within, a fire's burning
Guiding me to where I'm meant to go

I'm on a journey, searching for purpose
In the echoes of my heart, I hear the way
Though the path is rough and the night uncertain
I'll keep on walking, find my home someday

Every doubt begins to crumble
Every fear, a fleeting ghost
With every step, my hope is rising
Guided by a dream I cherish most

I'm on a journey, searching for purpose
In the echoes of my heart, I hear the way
Though the path is rough and the night uncertain
I'll keep on walking, find my home someday

With the dawn, I see the horizon
A promise of a new day, a brighter ray
In the end, I'll find my reason
On this journey home, I'll find my way

With the dawn, I see the horizon
A promise of a new day, a brighter ray
In the end, I'll find my reason
On this journey home, I'll find my way

Writer(s): Glen Fredericks
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