The Ant Lion (Neuroptera)

In the sand you'll find a creature
Tiny but with fearsome jaws
Who has dug a shallow pit
To its center all it draws

Waits and waits, without a sound
For an ant to come around
And when it slips and falls
You will hear a mighty roar!

It's me, the Ant Lion
The ruler of the sands
A teenage terror
No one can understand
When I grow up I'll be different
A Lacewing, oh so fair!
Now I'm just a little larva
But I'm the Master of my Fate!

Doodlebug, doodlebug
Hiding in the ground
Doodlebug, doodlebug
What have you found?

I know Mom and Dad
Don't eat ants anymore
They just daintily sip on nectar
Pollen's just what they care for

Not me, Carnivore!
Give me juicy Arthropods!
I'll eat spiders, and other insects
Myrmydons food of the Gods!

It's me, the Ant Lion
The ruler of the sands
A teenage terror
No one can understand
When I grow up I'll be different
A Lacewing, oh so fair!
Now I'm just a little larva
But I'm the Master of my Fate!

Doodlebug, doodlebug
Hiding in the ground
Doodlebug, doodlebug
What have you found?

Who're you calling a doodlebug?
I'm an ant lion!

Now I'm just a little larva
... in the sand I wait.

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