Mountain View

Grateful for the view
I once had it
It was new
Time went on
The land it changed
It was buried in a grave
I think you danced
'Cause you felt saved
The memories remain
Oh it hurt
It was strange
It was strange

Not knowing the view would disappear someday soon
Too arrogant to think it could be me
The mountain's shadow gone
The effects still linger on
It's so quiet I can hear myself think

Wandering for too long
Can't figure out where I belong
The view was wasted on the few who had it with them all along
Guess I never really knew that something else was wrong
Oh that hurt
It was strange
It was strange

You made me lose control of my sleep and of my soul
Though the pain I felt is what I must embrace
The mountain what is left
An existential threat
I'm just trying to make some sense of a shattered vase

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