You Matter

You matter to somebody
Even when you don't know what to do
One step at a time
Keep your faith
And you will make it through
I know that it gets real hard
And at times you feel so alone
Please never forget how far you've come
And your job is far from done

I know you've got a lot going on
How you holding up
I wanna let you know you're not forgotten
So what's up
It's ok to not be ok
Stop beating yourself for the mistakes
That you've made including yesterdays
I know it's hard to be vulnerable
We get nervous 'bout speaking up
To be honest it's uncomfortable
To talk about our issues
Someone grab me a tissue
I'm about to cry up in here
Talking to the man in mirror about my fears
A lot of men would rather be silent
Than misunderstood so let's be clear
So many of us are hard on ourselves
The last thing we need is society
Telling me how to be myself
Or how a man is supposed to be
They rather tell a man to man up
Than show his vulnerability
I'm just letting you know that I'm here
And you're not alone
You matter to so many people
And you're job's not done

You matter to somebody
Even when you don't know what to do
One step at a time
Keep your faith
And you will make it through
I know that it gets real hard
And at times you feel so alone
Please never forget how far you've come
And your job is far from done

When a man says he's tired
You better pay attention
So many layers to that word
If's fact not fiction
Tired can mean so many things
That causes friction
Remember we internalize our struggles
To not show weakens
What society puts on us
We're always supposed to show strength
With a smile upon our face
The last thing you should say to a man
Is man up and stop crying
But you don't know how hard he's trying
I'm fine it could be worse
Is a big warning sign
He could be really struggling
But still says he's fine
Tired can be his life
Tired can mean his health
Tired can be his mental health
His self-worth itself
So when a man says he's tired
You better listen to why that truly is
Before it's too late
And tell that man that he really really matters
And show that he's not alone
My guy you mater

You matter to somebody
Even when you don't know what to do
One step at a time
Keep your faith
And you will make it through
I know that it gets real hard
And at times you feel so alone
Please never forget how far you've come
And your job is far from done

Writer(s): Cecil Scott Ford
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