
In 1196 a prosperous but unscrupulous merchant
Who died with the Black Death
After his burial
He wandered the streets at night
Spreading the disease as he wandered
And announced that
There would be no peace for the villagers
Unless they set fire to his corpse
And it burned to ashes
The vampire of Berwick
Only left his grave at night
And returned to it each day before dawn
When the villagers finally exhumed his body
And burned it
Burned it
Approximately half of the villagers had perished from the Black Death
Black death
When the villagers finally exhumed his body
And burned it
Approximately half of the villagers had perished from the Black Death
Half of the Villagers
Had perished
Had perished from the black death
Half of the Villagers
Had perished
Had perished from the black death

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