The Song That Broke the Radio

I was trying to get you drunk
I was trying to get you high
On the ecstasy of song
Before a singer had to die
And I was punished by the god of song and
Banished to the void
Sentenced to noise
As a disembodied voice

I got locked inside your radio
For the crime of loving rhymes
I was exiled to the ether
Lost in space and time
For trying to find a way
To say more than anyone should say
Too many syllables for the inexpressible
Is a sin for which you pay

So now I'm calling
From the ether
As a liar, as a sinner, as a prisoner
In your speaker

As a ghost
I awoke
And a spirit spoke
When someone wrote
The song that broke
My last hope
But then a spirit spoke
And someone wrote
The song that broke
The radio
That broke the silence
That broke your heart
That made you drink
From the bottle
In the dark

I swear it wasn't me
Or my name ain't Damon Smïle
I'm just an echo in your ear
In a genre out of style
As apology or joke
Because I never spoke
A single word that broke
Through to you

And so I'm calling
To your speaker

I was trying to make you laugh
I was trying to make you cry
I was trying too much
It's why a singer had to die
And I got locked inside your radio
As a disembodied voice
You could always turn me on
You just never made the choice
So I remained inside the void
On an unknown frequency
Until someone wrote
The song that broke
The radio
And set me

And still, I'm calling
From the ether
As a glitch, as a spark, as a charge
Through your speaker

As a ghost
I awoke
And a spirit spoke
When someone wrote
The song that broke
My last hope
But then a spirit spoke
And someone wrote
The song that broke
The radio
That broke the silence
That broke your heart
When I was just trying to fix you
A drink
From the cocktail cart

I could fill the silence and your cup
But never quite your heart
Instead, I broke my own and wrote
Slogans on the shards
As reminder and review
Of the time I spent with you
To make the brutal beautiful
And something more
Than simply true

I'm still calling
From the ether
As a trick, as a charm, as a spell
On your speaker

I'm still trying to get you high
Make you laugh and make you cry
To give you double-edged evidence
That you'll always know I tried
To design you a memento
For the hour and the mile
And leave you
With a double-dotted

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