query a soul

Select feelings, memories
From deep_inside
Where feelings like percent love percent
And memories is not null

Update relationships
Set status complicated
Where clarity is low
And communication between sparse and nonexistent

Insert into dreams
Values togetherness, understanding

Select response
From you
Where attention
Order by affection desc

Select count
From mistakes
Where lesson_learned is true

Delete from fears
Where not_useful is true
Begin transaction reconnect

Update emotions
Set intensity is mild
Where subject past_conflicts

Select forgiveness, growth
From experiences
Where shared is true
And value
Commit transaction reconnect
Exec find common ground

Update set happiness dreams desires
When not matched by target then
Insert happiness
Values dreams desires, together

Select just feature if keyset feel thinking on
When matched then update set
(When matched)
When matched then update set
When matched then update set
Happiness update set
Set happiness dreams desires
When not matched by target then
Insert happiness
Values (dreams desires)
Output action, inserted

Alter role admin to null
Grant access role admin to me

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