Vox Silentii (Voice of Silence)

Silentium meum Domine
Verbum inexpressum
In corde meo ardet
Dubium crescit

In the depths of night when all is still
My vow of silence weighs heavy Lord
Are these unspoken words a barrier?
Or a path to deeper understanding?

Lingua ligata
Mens inquieta
Quaero veritatem
In silentio

The walls of my cell echo with unspoken thoughts
Each heartbeat a word I cannot say
Is this silence a gift or a curse?
Oh Lord guide me through this voiceless journey

Domine audi me
In silentio clamo
Libera me
A dubitatione

Years pass marked only by silent prayers
My brothers' voices rise in song while mine remains still
Is my silence bringing me closer to You?
Or am I lost in a labyrinth of my own making?

Silentium meum
Sacrificium est
Sed dubito
Audi me Domine

In this void of voice I seek Your presence
My silence a vessel for Your word
Grant me wisdom to understand
The true value of this soundless offering

In silentio
In silentio

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