Goodness and Mercy (Live)

You prepare a table for me
In the presence of my enemies
You anoint my head with oil
My cup overflows
Surely goodness and mercy
With your kindness towards me
Will follow me for all my days
And I'll dwell in the house of the Lord forever
This one thing I have desired
To be with you for there is no other
Who loves me like you do
You're all that I want
Surely goodness and mercy
With your kindness towards me
Will follow me for all my days
God you're my shepherd what shall i need
You make my lye in these pastures of green
Letting me drink from your waters of peace
You guide my steps all for your glory
Even when i'm in the shadow of death
I fear no evil for light my path
Your rod and your staff brining comfort to me
Here in the valley show me your glory

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