
Eat my boogers, rip dead skin off my lips
Eat my boogers, rip dead skin off my lips
Beat my dick, get high as shit
I don't give a shit, everyone's a bitch
I stole pills again, cuz I needed them
Get sucked into TikTok, till it's peepee o'clock
Then I walk in the forest to relieve my crotch
Then just off of a hunch, I check my old spot
Aha, look, voila, my weed from last month
I'm smoking it down on my neighbors property
If I smoke it in the street I'm sure someone
Would snitch on me
But fuck it I can't let their judgements dictate me
So I shit in the street to prove it that I'm free
I'm a thief in the night, like a creature on sight
I'm high as a kite, better run for your lives
Best bet that I'm pissed and I'm looking to fight
Anyone who tells me I can't smoke at night

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