Replica Sword

The credits will roll whether you like it or not
And Chekov's gun might end up not being shot
You can try again tomorrow, so give it what you got
Its just the Kuleshov Effect its just the way you were raised
Its the rope around your neck, its the fire that fades
Its the Super 8 that you're scared is going to waste

Its the potions that rot in your inventory
Cause there's only a couple in the game
And the fact you never really felt like a man
And you think that you are going insane
It's the fact that everything you sing is a stupid nerdy metaphor
It's the brain rot dripping out your ear
That's gonna leave a stain on the floor

Oooo these stats are low
Mulligan! take the higher roll
Oooo I'm almost home
Follow the chords, grab your replica master sword

Third act comes before you expect it
Everyone you love is affected
Thought that we all were protected
"I feel fine" questions deflected
This loneliness is killing me
Somehow yet nostalgically
I miss walking home you see
To find myself alone empty
I miss boredom I miss sleeping
I miss not knowing anything
I miss staring till I'm numb
I miss being fuckin' dumb
Motivated just for awhile
Lost the plot impeccable style
1 star rating but made me smile
The writer had a heart
This is my favorite part

The credits will roll whether you like it or not
And Chekov's gun might end up not being shot
You can try again tomorrow, so give it what you got
Its just the Kuleshov Effect its just the way you were raised
Its the rope around your neck, its the fire that fades
Its the Super 8 that you're scared is going to waste

Its all the boring side quests filling up your journal
That you'll never complete but you'll dream
That someday it'll reach 100%
And you'll enjoy the grind and be free
Its the fact that every massive multiplayer
Permadeath open world is brutal
And the fact that you try and try but in the end
Your efforts will be totally futile

Oooo these stats are low
Mulligan! take the higher roll
Oooo I'm almost home
Follow the chords, grab your replica buster sword
Grab your replica energy sword
Grab your replica master sword

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