The Melody of Long Pelay Forest

Long Pelay Village is in Kelay District, Berau
This village is located in the Wehea-Kelay Landscape
The forest area in the Wehea-Kelay landscape
Has a very high diversity of tree species
The types of trees that grow
In the Wehea-Kelay landscape forest are generally dominated
By Dipterocarpaceae
Apart from being dominated by commercial tree species
From the Dipterocarpaceae
The Wehea-Kelay forest landscape also
Has a fairly high diversity of fruit tree species
These types of fruit trees include durian (Durio spp)
Rambutan (Nephelium spp)
Breadfruit (Artocarpus spp)
Kapul (Baccaurea spp)
And mango (Mangifera spp)
The existence of these types
Of fruit trees in Wehea Kelay
Is important not only for the local community
But also for wildlife such as orangutans
Gibbons, langurs, and others
In line with the commitment
Of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government
To protect areas that have high conservation value
Including forest areas that are orangutan habitat
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry is collaborating
With the East Kalimantan Provincial Government
YKAN, the Wehea Traditional/customary Institute
And the parties agreed to develop
And promote management plans
For 4 essential ecosystem areas
Of the orangutan corridor
That 53,143-ha area is
In the Wehea-Kelay landscape
East Kutai Regency and Berau Regency
East Kalimantan Province

Writer(s): Suara Alam Nusantara
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