Look at the Cross

The chosen people are rebellious
And miss the crumbs of the Egyptians
Repent! I didn't choose them to be slaves
The poisonous snake attacked your flesh
Look to the bronze serpent to escape death
Repent! I am faithful to the covenant
Hear the voice calling in the wilderness
It smooths the way and speaks of repentance
Don't just believe in miracles
If we're not born again, there's no salvation
Repent! The Kingdom of Heaven is here
Hear the voice calling in the wilderness
It smooths the way and speaks of repentance
Look at the one the cross raises
He is the end of the shadow of the bronze serpent
Nobody knows the path of the wind
Although we can feel it
No one can explain
The works of the Spirit
Olhe para a cruz
Olhe pra Jesus
E assim como Moisés levantou a serpente no deserto
Assim também é necessário que o Filho do Homem seja levantado
Para o que todo que nele crê tenha a vida eterna
Porque Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira que deu o seu Filho unigênito
Para que todo o que nele crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna
Porque Deus enviou o seu Filho ao mundo, não para que
condenasse o mundo mas, para que o mundo fosse salvo por ele
Quem nele crê não é condenado; mas o que não crê já está condenado
Porque não crê no nome do unigênito Filho de Deus
So look at the cross
So look at the cross
This is the verdict: Light has come into the world
But people loved darkness instead of light
because their deeds were evil
But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light
So that it may be seen plainly that what they have done
Has been done in the sight of God
Hear the voice calling in the wilderness
It smooths the way and speaks of repentance
Look at the one the cross raises
He is the end of the shadow of the bronze serpent
Look at the cross

Writer(s): Matheus Vinicius Paixão Maia, Michelle Braglia Rodovalho
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
