Mark (Saint Francis Blues) - Live

The waiter came to my side holding a book of miscontempt.
He asked my lady on the left if she had any kind of sense.
The ceiling started shaking and the walls began to crown,
the waiter grabbed all his books and never made a sound.
He was waiting for my eyes to lift,
but they never made it to the mark.

My lady and I turned to face and signaled without a word.
I took her hand, she snapped it back and screamed, "It's like you never heard!"
I recoiled into my head, I mulled it over and around.
She seemed sincere but she missed the point the waiter found.
So all the women left the bar
and on my wrist I saw that mark.

The towers seemed to hold me and so I looked around for a way out.
A man passed by without a word and signaled for me to ease my doubt.
I held my breath and clenched my fist but nothing seemed to change.
All the other boys like me had already gone insane.
I knew that she believed those words,
but I could only think she missed the mark.

So there I stood alone, under towers, closer to the sound.
I remembered everything I'd asked for and bitter-faced turned the little town.
We expanded and I clambered, rage now coaxing its way through.
The only way to leave this life's by killing everything you do.
So I pressed my heels into the ground
and in the dirt they left that mark.

Gone was I, but now I'm here, I ring and ring the bells to pledge my shield.
It's all in vain, all in blood, the way I found my footing in this deal.

So when you think of leaving, think of finding a way out.
'Cause kids like you just never look for water in a drought.
Now everybody's left the bar,
but you're still standing on your mark.

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