
How can you speak of God if you cannot even speak of yourself?

For one to have a relationship with such a power
One should know themselves

Do you know yourself?

I wrap it like a present coz I keep it in the moment
A stranger to myself been a minute since I had gone in
Infrastructure of the mind is static but I'm honing
The skill to move like water I'm Bruce Lee ya'll need a Ronin

Oops I'm sorry if that reference was way behind the scenes
Scratching neath the surface scuba diving under wilder seas
Better hold your breath if you gon help me build my legacy
Pedaling these fantasies
Move beyond identity

Achieving nirvana
Do the tricona asana
Eat some triphala
Bhrahman Nirguna

They say that eyes are the windows to the soul
Well I can't fuck with you if you just keep em closed

If the world were even half as genuine as me
Then war would be another distant memory

But that's my ego talking, yeah I'm constantly
Deluded by awareness, guided by these enemies

It's funny that I have all these different sides to me
How I balance all of them to me is still a mystery
I'm aware that I can talk bout pussy money weed
And somehow make it spiritual well that's my destiny

My heritage goes beyond the land of two seas
Or I would rather say beyond the seas connecting we
Are we all a figment of subconscious machinations
Or the play of a universe dreaming in a basement

A genderless identity, colorless and never seen
Yoga from a yogini
Manifest the evergreen
Music from Saraswati
Gratitude I got from Christ
Shiva teach me how to be
Yahweh in my dreams tonight

I'm not afraid of the man
Who has done a thousand different moves once
I'm afraid of the man who has practiced one move a thousand times
You understand the point?

Am I disappearing?

In a way yes you're shedding
Your thoughts may come to distract you
Feelings of ambition, pride
A mission that must be accom—

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