Goodbye World (Flow) [Live]

I don't care what the world says, I love Jesus
I'm in love with Jesus
Oh, goodbye world
I'll stay no longer with you

Goodbye pleasures of sin
I'll stay no longer with you
I made up my mind to go God's way the rest of my life
I made up my mind to go God's way the rest of my life

I'm in love with Jesus
I'm in love with Jesus
I'm in love with Jesus
It might not be popular, but I'm in love

Oh, He's the best thing that ever happened to me
I'm in love with Jesus

Oh, goodbye world
I'll stay no longer with you
Goodbye pleasures of sin
I'll stay
Somebody's getting delivered right now
I'll stay no longer with you

I made up my mind to go God's way the rest of my life
I made up my mind to go God's way the rest of my life

I don't care what my friends do
I'm in love with Jesus
And He's in love with me

No matter what you've done, no matter how far you stray
No matter how far you go, He's still in love with you
He's still in love with you

I made up my mind
I made up my mind
I can't go back
I can't go back
I can't go back

There's nothing back there for me
I can't go back
I won't go back

There's nothing back there for me
I can't go back
I won't go back
There's nothing back there for me

I made up my mind to do it God's way
There's a way that seems right, but it leads to death

I'll do it God's way
I'll do it God's way

Somebody just say that I'll do it God's way
I'll do it God's way
I might have to walk away from some friends and loved ones
But I'll do it God's way

The rest of my life, I made up my mind
I made up my mind
I just heard the Lord say
No refunds

No take-backs
You're mine forever
I'll break the spirit of condemnation off of you
God says, You're mine forever

I'll break the spirit of condemnation off of you
God says, You're mine forever
You're mine forever

And for some of you, I want you back
But God, I'm damaged goods
I still want you back
Some of y'all ain't been in church since the pandemic happened
God says, I want you back

Back in My church
Back in My church
Oh, who will contend for the church
Who can I send
And who will go for us

Send me, I'll go
Send me, I'll go
You right there
I just heard the Lord say
I want you back all the way
All the way, all the way
All the way

Writer(s): Public Domain Public Domain
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