Mid War

Pay more attention, holy crap
You wanna pay attention
Pay attention and you're in the middle of the fight
Pay attention
You're at war
You're in the middle of a war
What are you gonna do when everybody gets shot
People need your support
Your teammates need your fucking support
Now what are you gonna fucking do
You lost all your ammo and you don't know what to do
Okay, you have all the weapons you need
But you don't have the tools only those weapons
Now, you don't have anything left to do
But sit down and do nothing, play dead
Pretend you're already dead
There's somebody on the other side going around
Checking pulses so they can see if somebody's actually dead
Can you slow down your heartmate
Can you stop your heart for temporarily
But you don't know what the side effects are of stopping your heart
Now, I would just die, I wouldn't get tortured
I would just hide, find some more ammo
Look at a freaking dead body
Look and find somebody with more ammo
You're in the middle of a war
The war has started one more time
WW3 is time
Oh dear god, it's fucking time
Now you have to fight
You were signed up and you were assigned to a unit
And you have to follow through
People are still forced to go to war
It's a thing, it's a tradition
And you don't know how the seriousness of the war is
You could freaking die
I know you have a little bit of superhuman ability
But it doesn't count anymore in the war, okay
It took 200 years
So we have the third world war
Everybody's now involved
We have 120 countries involved
The United Nations is even involved
Everybody fighting against, okay
Now the government we freaking built is going it's at stake
It's going to be at stake
But people are teaming up
And we're doing a good job, okay
But it's a fantasy, it's a fiction story
I'm just quoting a fiction story
It's not gonna work
Cause it's a song with no copyright, okay
Oh my god
You just want to fight every time you have a chance
I am incredibly sorry that you have a aggressive person
You're aggressive and I'm sorry
I feel sympathetic for your family
Cause they have to deal with you being aggressive
Every freaking morning, day, and evening, and night
I don't know
Do you scream when you're asleep
I was in the cabin with you
I heard you're screaming all night
It was super annoying
And I cannot imagine what other people are freaking thinking
Good thing I'm a heavy sleeper
Not anymore cause I'm petrified of the people that are standing outside my freaking freaking cabin, okay
And now I'm in the cabin cleaning up everybody's messes
Cause they don't know how to clean up
I'm the tech guy
I'm the one that follows people with the drone to shoot that shot, okay
Yes, our technology is super advanced
We have super powerful drones
And I'm driving and wheeling, okay
I'm gonna get paid $34,000 this year
It's not enough
Oh no
Every time we get a kill
Every time we take one down
We get more funding
But it's to support the country
I don't know anymore
People are still living normal lives
People are still living normal lives
And they're enjoying their lives
Even though the middle of the war
The middle of the war is never gonna end
We're stuck in this loop forever
It's been 7 years and we're still at war
Our drones are dying
We're running out of ammo
We're running out of resources
There's no solution anymore
No more solutions
We ran out of fucking solutions
And we're screwed
Everybody's screwed
And we gotta retry
We gotta recharge our batteries
Charge our batteries
You gotta charge your batteries
We're stuck in the freaking war number 3
Oh dear goodness gracious
I saw a deer and I killed it
Cause I wanted food

Writer(s): Joe Pegoraro
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
