Nobody rap for real no more
It's just that fuckin fake shit
Nobody out here tellin ya how hard it is to make it
Tellin me to smile I'll give you a fuckin face lift
Bitch there's people dying in several different places
I been making money that's all I can hear em sayin
Maybe if you made someone's day you'd feel amazin
Without all that alcohol weed and cocaine man
Life is like a natural high, shit I'm wasted
Shit can get depressing the more that you obey them
I just fuckin hate alotta the situations
I put myself in and I wish I could fuckin change em
Can't change the past but present yourself the future
Work on yourself so you better than you was used to
Sometimes we fuck up but that's just what u gotta do
To make yourself better
Through the stormy weather
Just keep that shit together
Put on a fuckin sweater and trudge on

Know this shit is right where you belong
Don't cut it all short cuz you feelin so alone
Whenever you feel off just slap on this fuckin song
I hope I raise your spirits
I hope you people hear this
I hope it gets you hype for whatever you goin thru and
Pummel it
You know you strong as fuckin bricks
Don't go n kick the bucket bitch
Gotta lift eachother up with this
Idea that we just all exist
Together on this small as shit
Ball hurtling thru an abyss
No one knows why we are here
And must deal with this shit

So just know

You'd be mist

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