My Story

My Story- Kaity Whitcomb
When I was a little girl I read fairy tales and wondered if
they could happen to me now I see this is my once upon a
time I am a daughter of a king. And with every choice that I
make I write the next page I don't know, all the twists and the turns but my journey is
clear. I'm a child of infinite worth. There's a reason I'm
here. I'll follow the path that's before me, this is my story.
There are days when it seems the road infront me is falling
apart and I can't find my way. But I learned how to rely on
the burning light that I have within me. and I find faith to
move forward til I can see just where it leads.
I don't know, all the twists and the turns but my journey is
clear. I'm a child of infinite worth. There's a reason I'm
here. I'll follow the path that's before me, this is my story.
Through every chapter, my father's love helps me know
who I am.
Not everafter's a beautiful part of his bigger plan.
I don't know, all the twists and the turns but my journey is
clear. I'm a child of infinite worth. There's a reason I'm
here. I'll follow the path that's before me, this is my story.
Oh This is my story

Writer(s): Stephanie Struijk
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