
For tomorrow, I know,
all those Who girls and boys
Will wake bright and early
And race for their toys!
I can see it all now,
just how it will be.
Imagine it, Max...
Try to see what I see.
'Tis the morning of Christmas
The forecast is sleet,
In they come tripping
On little who-feet.
Dear little who-tots
The girls and the boys,
Ready to rip through
A mountain of toys.
Isn't it precious?
Or so it would seem.
Why do I have the
Distinct urge to scream ...?
Ohhhh ...
I got a whatchama whatchama who
You got a whatchama? – Me too!
Look, it's a thinga-ma
Thinga-ma ding!
Let's all play with a whatchama thing!
It's annoying,
So annoying,
It's destroying my sense of myself
And my eardrums.
Distressing, so distressing
I'm confessing
The sight of kids messing with toys
Leaves me cold.
If I may be so bold.
Ohhhh ...
I got a whatchama whatchama who!
You got a whatchama? – Me too!
Look, it's a thinga-ma thinga-ma hey!
We've got a thinga-ma – let's play!
Why the noisies?
With the toysies?
Girls and boysies devoting themselves to
The mayhem and chaos
They should pay us
For enduring the noise of these
Hyper maniacal who-girls and boys!
And their mis'rable toys!
These toys!
Ohhhh ...
Banging and binging a thing-a-ma-ding!
Bouncing and bouncing a bounce-a-ma-thing!
Here we go with the whachama fly!
I want to stop it, and you wonder why?!
Whatchama why?
We've got a present just for you!
Buckets of noise and a whatchama who
Why can't they just go away?!
That's what it's like on Christmas day!

Writer(s): Mel Marvin
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
