
All my ambition draws its strength
from the shadow of a dream,
perched up past the clouds
in an august solitude.

We are the movers of the earth.
Life is handed to us, but survival is not.
We take the first steps armed with nothing
but our minds and senses,
not stopping to ask
who'll let us shape this world,
but who's going to stop us?

Championing humanity, carrying the flame;
Ne'er living out this life for anyone else,
just like you would never ask someone
to live their life for you.
The man who speaks of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters,
and intends to be the master.
We will not subordinate ourselves
to the will of the collective.

I do not recognize anybody's right to one minute of my life, nor to any part of my energy, nor to any achievement of mine, and especially not the conduit that houses the essence of my humanity: my mind.

What I have to offer
is the product of ambition, love, fire,
far greater than that of a tepid soul.
What can you offer me?

Writer(s): Means End, Robert Luciani
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