Chita Chora

Chita Chora, Chita Chora...
Bara Chita Chora,
Navanita Chora
Murali Gopal.
Chita Chora, Chita Chora...
Dios, eres un ladrón
me has robado todo.
me has robado todo.
me has robado todo.
Dios, eres un ladrón
me has robado el corazón.
Chita Chora, Chita Chora...
Como la nieve y el blanco
Como el aroma y la flor
Como el calor y la llama
Como la espada y el gladiador.
Chita Chora, Chita Chora...
Embriagado, hechizado,
Cautivado, extasiado,
por tu encanto.
Seducido, embrujado,
fascinado, enamorado
por tu encanto y tu creación.
Chita Chora, Chita Chora...
Chita Chora...
God, you are a thief
You have stolen everything from me.
You have stolen everything from me.
You have stolen everything from me.
God, you are a thief
Who has stolen my heart.
Chita Chora, Chita Chora...
Like snow and white
Like scent and flower
Like heat and flame
Like sword and gladiator.
Chita Chora, Chita Chora...
Intoxicated, bewitched,
Captivated, entranced,
By your allure.
Seduced, enchanted,
Fascinated, in love
With your charm and your Creation.
Chita Chora, Chita Chora...

Writer(s): Ignacio Manuel Escribano
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