David vs Goliath

i am goliath
i defy the armies of israel today
give me your greatest soldier
that we may fight together
who is this evil philistine
that he defies the armies of the living god?
don't let your hearts fail don't be afraid because of him
i will fight this living remnant of the nephilim
this evil giant defiant goliath
i may be young and just a shepherd not a soldier
david son of jessie im allied with the most high
this battles not mine but the lords and moreover
i've been protected from the jaws and the claws
of the lion and the bear
my father god he delivered me
how much more will he save me from this philistine?
i trust in him not my own abilities
hahahah who is this puny shepherd boy?
is this a joke do you consider me a dog?
ill give your flesh to the fowls of the air
and the beasts of the field will devour you
you come at me with your sword and your spear and your shield
against the very god of israel?
your fate is sealed
this very day i will smite thee
with your own sword im gonna separate your head from your body
the whole assembly will know that the battle is the lords
he saveth not with weapon or the sword
or the hand of men
i don't rely on the material
so at moment david charged at the giant
and took one smooth stone from his pocket
and shot it with his sling the thrust of a rocket
a bulls eye shot between the eyes dropped goliath
the stone sunk in and he was dead on the spot
he fell face first and every jaw there dropped
because they couldn't believe that this giant got popped
by a little shepherd boy with a sling and a rock
when the armies of goliath saw this they lost all confidence
and were defenseless in the process
they ran like dogs to the hills of gath
they were no match after that when their weapons clashed
and as a proof that no man should cast doubt
david kept the giants head and the armor to mount
let no man boast be it a sign to those
who put hopes in themselves
instead of god's control
so the moral of the story clearly meant
that we should put our trust in god not ourselves who sin
not in our bombs or guns not in the minds of men
he watches over those who put their faith in him
so when you face your own giants
your life's goliaths you can stand with confidence
and defy the silence the only armor that you need
has been provided don't rely upon yourself
use christ for guidance.

Writer(s): David Britton
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
