Grandpa Joe

Grandpa Joe Carter was an innocent man
honest as ever was made
Came to Mississippi to farm on the land
sweat in the field for his pay
Now you can't run you can't hide

Settled into work and he calloused his hands
never stopped running the gin
Saving up to buy himself his own piece a land
and that's where the trouble began
See grandpa took wife when he was just 23
a beautiful belle of the south
The townsfolk said it was not meant to be
the law would be coming around

Kemper county ain't a place to mess with the law
the blood in its veins too old
Crookeder than any place you ever saw
at least that's what grandpa joe had been told
No you can't run you can't hide

Some money came to missing blame started to fly
and framed grandpa joe on the wall
They set up a reward dead or alive
the Blackwater folk came a calling
He was in the field when he first saw the flame
too far to get to the house
When he finally got there well it was too late
there was no way to get her out

Grandpa Joe Carter was an innocent man
his beautiful wife was now dead
Grandpa swore his vengeance on the Blackwater town
one day he'd fill 'em all with lead
No you can't run you can't hide

The day came for grandpa joe to cash in his vow
and lord knows he didn't hold back
Settled thirty men back into the ground
when he was finished there was nobody left
See grandpa joe was always a man of his word
his anger boiled deep down inside
Down in Blackwater his voice can be heard
you can run but you can't hide

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