A Letter to My Son

Listen to me carefully, piccolo bambino
Papa's singing to you now so listen with your soul

Vanity, oh vanity's a chasing of the wind
Everything we do here will one day end
Touch a stove and you'll get burned, run and you may fall
Stand too long in one place, you might not live at all
Put her on a pedestal and she might follow you
Make sure you know that she's the one before you say, "I do."
Money fades and glory tells the biggest of lies
Welcome homes are always so much better than goodbyes

Beauty and charm deceive, virtue it is rare
Rain falls on everyone, the stoic and the scared
Try to learn from my mistakes, avoid stubbornness
A lie might get you what you want but it won't keep many friends
Love is patient, love is kind, pride has to be right
Forgiveness heals and grudges kill so you can't sleep at night
A home without a father is a home without a gun
A kiss that has no covenant is scared and on the run

Drink too much and you'll get drunk, sleep around and see
All that you've really known is vanity
In the end you will not care how much you made
As visions fade and the days erase, love is what remains
Nothing you could ever do could make me love you more
Nothing you will ever do could make me love you less
There is no stain that grace can't wash whiter than the snow
There is no greater love than the love that Jesus showed
Remember who you are, my son, the world can never tell
Listen to The Spirit talk, He's always here to help

The first twenty years are the longest of your life
Don't be in too big a rush to have them all go by
Be gracious to the stranger, be wary of men
Jealousy is poison and envy is its friend
Stay away from the loose girl, it's never too soon
If you don't want to sleep with her, don't go in her room
Dream out loud day and night under the sun and under the stars
Never ever apologize for being who you are
Please do not despise the wounds of a friend
Bring it all into the light, never hold it in
Notice all the beauty that surrounds you every day
A rainless night, a cloudy sky, a hug that's on the way
Remember of whose image you were formed in the womb
Eternity is in your heart, He's coming back soon

Listen to me carefully, piccolo bambino
Papa's praying for you now so rest your head and know
God is love
God is love
God is love

Writer(s): Jon Brooks, Jason Blynn
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
