Nothing to Fear

cabal: small group of persons secretly united to promote their own interests

cachet: the state of being respected or admired
no other in my my college had quite
catchet as me
cacophony: discordant and lacking harmony.harsh discordant of sounds
cadavar: corpse
cadence: rhythm
cajole: coax, flattery
cauldron: large kettle to make soup

caligraphy: beautiful handwriting
callous: unfeeling, unconcerned, hardend
antynom for callous: passionate
callow: immature

my mother is a callow person
camaraderie: good fellowship

cameorole: guest role or appearance
canard: unfounded rumors, bruit
candou r: frankness
i like his condour
there is no condour in your words
canine: doglike
canny: a person who shows good judgement especially in business
cannonical: authorised by the church
cant: languages used by particular proffesion and regarded with disparagement
thieves cant

cantankerous: a bad tempered, uncooperative person, irascible, crotchety, splentic, dyspeptic, liverish, bilious, waspish
cantata: a narrow piece of srory set for music

canter and gallop are pace of the horse
canto: a dividing of long poem is canto
capitulate: to surremder
recapitulate: to summerize
he recapitulated the book
capricious: unpredicable, erratic, whimsical
captious: tending to find fault or raise petty objections
a captious teacher
carapace: shell of a turtle
careen: move swiftly in uncontrolled way
carnage: killing of people, massacre
carnal: pertaining to the flesh
carnal pleasures: sense pleasures
carousal: drunken party
carousel: a conveyor system at an airport from whoch arriving passengers collect their luggage
carting: fault finding and petty criticism
cataclysm: a sudden voilent or social upheaval, diaster, catastrope, calamityholocaust, upheavel

whammy: an evaent with powerful and unpleasent effect
upheavel: strong or voilent change in the society
deluge: heavy rainfall
this may be worst deluge in living memory
catcall: shout of dissapproval
catcall: shout or whistle made at public
jeers: rude and mocking remarks typically in a loud voice
i still remember the jeers and taunts of my classmates
cavil: make petty or unnecessary objections
they cavilled at the cost

celerity: rapidity of action
celestial: heaven
censor: a person who pretends that he has more morals and tend to adjust other peoplesanners
censorious: tendency to criticize others strongly

censer: small recepticle used to burn agarbattis
cession: formally give up rights
chafe: irritAte
chaff: worthless products
chaffing: bantering

Writer(s): Chris White, Jimmy Owens
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