
Stay with me for awhile
I know I'm not, not sane yet
Thoughts coming from inside
To strain the mind
Not safe yet
I've seen failure now and in the past
Now alone I'd never last
It's good to see you here
To hide me from myself

Lift me out

Tomorrow brings the call
The order to display
To hear the gavel fall
And tell me of my fate
I've been alone for too long
I'm not feeling so strong

I've been lost without the second word
Eyes closed with thoughts on what I've heard
No one will hear me now
Or save me from myself
So in this state of mind
I fall away to fitful dream

Lift me out

Scenes fly
Crack the sky

Create the second word
To save the ones I need
To take another turn
Denying only greed
I've been alone for too long
I'm not feeling so strong
Here's what I see

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