Pastures of Plenty / This Land Is Your Land / Land (Live)

This is dedicated to all the farmworkers: This Land

It's a mighty long row that my poor hands have hoed
My poor feet have traveled that long dusty road
Out of your dust bowl and westward we rolled
Your desert was hot and your mountains were cold

I've worked in your orchards of peaches and prunes
I've slept on the ground by the light of your moon
On the edge of your city you've seen us and then
We come with the dust and we go with the wind

California, Arizona, I make all your crops
But it's north up to Oregon to harvest your hogs
Dig the beets from your ground, pick the grapes from your vines
To set on your table your light, your light
Your light, your light, your light sparkling wine

When did you come to America the free
Who are your ancestors, what is your creed
Who is the father and the son and the we
Where is the spirit that sought liberty

When, when did you come to America
Long, long before when the buffalo walked
When did you hands burn like coals
The thing that made this land your pride and your joy

When did you come to America
I came, I came to help you grow to harvest your crops
I came to build your roads your cities and your thoughts
I came to find my freedom, I came to find this spot

This land, this land is your land, and my land
From California to the New York islands
This land, this land is your land, and my land
From California to the New York islands
This land, this land, this land is your land
This land, this land is my land
This land, this land is your land, and my land too

Say you're American but what does that mean
We are the particle, the dust in the scheme
Now that the spirits are haunting our base
Can we still remember why we came to this place?

When, when did you come to America
Garden of Eden, garden of rush
Blank hearts and comforts, the dream for what we fought
The crossroads is here now, we forget our debt too much

I really don't know who I am but I will
I know there's a purpose
There's a reason for me to be here
Dust is to dust, heavy memory
Even if they grind me, still dust I will be

This land, this land is your land, and my land
From California to the New York islands
This land, this land is your land, and my land
From California to the New York islands
This land, this land is your land, and my land
From, from California to the New York islands
This land, this land, this land is your land, and my land too

And it's always we ramble this river and I
All along your green valleys I'll work until I die
And this land I'll defend with my life if need be
For my pastures of plenty, for my pastures
For my pastures, for my pastures of plenty must always
Must always, must always, must always be free

Writer(s): Paul R. Cohen, Anna Lila Downs
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