777 Intro (feat. Steve Allen)

Living and driven
Given a vision
Fulfilling the commission
With spiritual intuition
People you need to listen
Remember in the beginning
The Word was living within Him
The Seraphim and the singing
He said that something's still missing
He wanted someone to bring Him an offering that was willing
Not someone who was serving Him
Just cos He was telling them
So He made a planet
And put a man in it
To manage it
And replenish it
And made a garden for fellowship
Now the devil was jealous
And Genesis doesn't tell us this
But Isaiah 14 gives us the parenthesis
The former glory Lucifer was given
Was taken and given to Adam and Eve cos of vanity
Satan knew that Adam was the seed of humanity
And if he could get him to sin that would cause a calamity
So he devised a plan
To get at the man
Through the woman
Cos he knew he couldn't fool Adam
Now he's speaking to Eve
Telling her to eat
From the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
To make her equal with The Most High
But if you're equal with The Most High
Then He wouldn't be The Most High, ah lie?
Any way back to the case
Adam and Eve were disgraced
And from the garden of Eden
Adam and Eve were displaced
This is the reason why God and man are now separate
And it's the reason for the evil that's in the world today
But God had a plan to make a second Adam
To be born of a woman who never slept with a man
Gentle just like a Lamb but conquering like a Lion
Greater than Abraham, they call Him The Great I Am
He was The Word in eternity past
He was the, Let there be Light, that The Father and The Spirit spoke at the start
He's still living today so why do so many deny Him?
When He comes back He'll be bringing thunder and lightning!

And behold
I am coming quickly
And My reward is with Me
To give to every one according to his work
I am the Alpha and the Omega
The Beginning and the End
The First and the Last
Blessed are those who do His commandments
That they may have the right to the tree of life
And may enter through the gates into the city
But outside are dogs and sorcerers
And sexually immoral
And murderers and idolaters
And whoever loves and practices a lie
Behold, I am coming quickly

Writer(s): Dwayne Shorter
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
