Born Lover

no mother's son could say i ever saw the day
i couldn't learn to play a wench
of course as a man i have one big advantage
i happen to be born french
some men just have it, i guess
that inbred finess
at birth we possess
a talent to persuade
a way you might say
of getting our way
lovers are born not made
i'd have to try very hard
to hoist a petard
at cards i'm a czar
let's call a spade a spade
but i'm something else unlocking chastity belts
lovers are born not made
and i'm a born lover
born to love, i might add
yes i'm a born lover
ask any nursemaid i ever had
a tiger knows how to stalk
before he walk
you don't teach a hawk
the secrets of his trade
i knew not to wink
unless their booties were pink
lovers are born not made
and i'm a born lover
keep your own silver spoon
when you're a born lover
it's never too much
it's too much too soon
my reputation's well earned
where maids are concerned
the first thing i learned
was how to draw a shade
the first words i said
were "charley wanna go bed!"
lovers are born not made
it comes naturally!
charles the terrific, capital t
lovers are born
lovers are born
not made!

Writer(s): Larry Grossman, Hal Hackady
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