Come to Me

Ask and you shall receive
Seek and you shall find
Knock - it shall be opened
The goodness of the Lord.
For the one who asks, receives
The one who seeks shall find
The one who knocks will enter
And see the face of God.

Come to me all who weary
I will refresh you
Learn from me
My yoke is easy, my burden light.

They neither sow nor reap
And still our God cares for them
Will not the Lord care for you.
See the lilies in the field
They do not work or sleep
If they are clothed in splendor
God will provide for you.

Come to me all who weary
I will refresh you
Learn from me
My yoke is easy, my burden light.

3.Do not worry about your life
What to eat or wear
Is not your life for greater things
Is not your life for the Lord?
Seek the One who knows your need
And all things will be yours
Worry not of tomorrow
Let tomorrow find its way.

Come to me all who weary
I will refresh you
Learn from me
My yoke is easy, my burden light.

Writer(s): David C. Parks
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