Sugar Daddy

Daddy, why did you leave me
you created me
so don't yo wanna see me.
Daddy, why did you make me,
if you're not gonna take me
to get a burger and shakey.

My cursed blood it's your cursed blood.
Common back and be my bud.
I can count your visits with my fingertips.

Come back and a give me presents from your business trips.
Daddy why did you father me if only you wanna do is bother me.

Daddy, why did you eat my fries

I bought them and there were mines
But you eat them, you eat my fries
And I cry but you didn't se me cry
Daddy did you even love me.
Well I wich you'd show it. Because I didn't know it.
What kinda dad eat theres daughter's fries.
and doesn't even looked at in her eyes.
Daddy ther where tears there
if you so would you even care.

Writer(s): Raven Anna Love
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