With All Due Respect

With all due respect - go fuck yourself
With all due respect - time to step back
With all due respect - go fuck yourself
With all due respect - time to step back

If you want to know the lyrics to this one, you'll have to listen up closely. I
don't find it necessary to print them all here. Let's just say that during the
years we are around with Crimson Falls we had the misfortune to meet some
backstabbers, hypocrites, incapable people, liars and people who tell a lot of
nice stories but never back them up. Luckily this is a minority that can't
spoil the fun we have on shows and the nice contacts we have there with a lot
of cool people. But still; I needed to get this of my chest; fuck you, haha!

Writer(s): Anthony Newley, Leslie Bricusse
Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com
