Precious Bible! What a Treasure

Precious Bible! what a treasure
Does the Word of God afford!
All I want for life or pleasure,
Food and tonic, shield and sword;
Let the world account me poor
Having this I need no more.
Precious Bible! what a treasure from the Lord.

When my faith is faint and sickly
Or when Satan wounds my mind
Tonics to revive me quickly,
Healing medicines I find;
To the promises I flee,
Each affords a remedy
Precious Bible! Spirit's power, set me free.

In the hour of dark temptation
Satan cannot make me yield
For the word of consolation
Is to me a mighty shield;
While the Scripture truths are sure
From his malice I'm secure.
Precious Bible! light of life I need no more.

Vain his threats to overcome me
When I take the Spirit's sword;
Then with ease I drive him from me,
Satan trembles at the word;
'Tis a sword for conquest made-
Keen the edge and strong the blade.
Precious Bible! in my hand I'm not afraid.
Precious Bible! in my heart I'm not afraid.

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