Magic Scarf

Let's see how many things a scarf can be
The many, many things a scarf can be
Make believe puts magic in a piece of fabric
The power of pretending is the key

Your scarf is a pom pom shaking in the air
Up, down, here, there, shake it everywhere

Your scarf is a cloud floating in the sky
Casting shadows as it slowly passes by

Pretend you are a pony; your scarf becomes a tail
It bounces in the wind as you gallop down the trail
Yippee yi-yi-yo, off we go!

Your scarf is a ghost, haunting you everywhere
Hovering in the air, tickling your face and hair
Swooping and swirling, tumbling and twirling
A spooky spirit out to give you a scare!

Your scarf is a hula skirt, can you make it sway?
Swing your hips from side to side as ukuleles play

Your scarf is an ocean, waves are rolling into shore
They break upon the sand then rush out to sea once more

Your scarf is a cape
When you wear it you can fly
Now you have the power and you're free
Soaring through the sky -

Climbing and diving, circling a star
Landing in lands so far away -

We've seen so many things a scarf can be
Can you find other things a scarf could be?
Make believe puts magic in a piece of fabric
The power of pretending is the key

Writer(s): Hap Palmer
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