Humble Yourselves and Pray

If my people which are called by name
Will humble themselves and pray
Then I will hear from heaven and heal their land

If my people will seek my face
And turn from their wicked ways
Then I Will forgive their sin and heal their land

Now my ears shall be open
My ears shall hear the prayer made in this place

Why choose the ways of the world
That lead to death
When my ways lead to life

For now have I chosen and sanctified this house
That my name may be here
And my eyes and my heart be with you, forever

Now my eyes shall be open
My ears shall hear the prayer made in this place

Why choose the way of the world
That lead to death
When my ways lead to life

For now have I chosen and sanctified this house
That my name may be here
And my eyes and my heart be with you forever

If my people which are called by my name
Will humble themselves and pray
Then I will hear from heaven
And heal their land

Writer(s): Howard Campbell
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