Sons of Riddermark

Horse lords the men of Rohan
Allies of Gondor the land below
Green fields they guard with honour
Eastern terror, keep away!
Finest chargers of Middle-earth
They raise and ride
See the banners of Riddermark
If you're a foe, you should run or hide

River Anduin, Fangorn forest
Mountains of Mist and White Horn
Mighty borders surround the Kingdom
Strong regions to guard the land

Edoras the heart of Rohan
Capital of Riddermark
Fortresses around the realm
Dunharrow and Helm's Deep
Citadels so hard to annex
Victory in both of them
Battle of the Pelennor Fields
Invasion of Dunlending

Third age of the Sun
The battle of the Field of Celebrant
Orcish triumph was so near
Then the third army arrived
There's no enemy who
Could ever overwhelm those plains of light
Steal their fate of better times
And kill the fire in their eyes

Golden-haired horsemen
And their King Eorl the Young
Victory by the Eothed
Salvation to the southern lands
Great reward they have gained
From the people they have saved
Expression of gratitude
On northern fields they stay

Writer(s): Kaisa Jouhki, Henri Vahvanen, Jyri Vahvanen, Jussi Rautio, Tiina Ralli, Patrik Mennander, Miika Kokkola
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