Staten Island Prologue

1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4

Got to keep that beat
Put it in my feet
Huddled in the masses in Staten Island wondering
Where's this going to lead?

New York, NY
My city, my love ... a city that has taken in so many wondering souls
What will 5 boroughs look like all strung together on foot?

Will I finish?
Will I die?
Will I crap my pants and lose my toenails?
Or, will I conquer?
Will I succeed?
Can I reach my goals?


"Some people create with words, with music or the brush and paints
I like to make something beautiful when I run."
Steve Prefontaine said that and it makes a lot of sense to me
The concept of running as a work of art

To me art is everything
The Greeks would go to the theatre to experience catharsis
To release their emotional tension
It had a real important function in their lives

Nowadays a great rock concert can raise us up
You can lose yourself in that beat

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 1-2-3-4 1-2-3-4 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8

Running is the best because you can just take that beat
And move it as far as you want to go
Push it until those chaotic emotions drain out of you
So your body and mind are free

This is bigger than just one day
This was a year ago
That I was on the sidelines getting inspired to run
Months of training, conditioning, preparing
Thinking about this moment, right now

I'm ready. I want it. I can do this

Writer(s): Erin Molloy
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