Crown Him With Many Crowns

Crown Him with Many Crowns
The Lamb of God, His Throne
Hark! How The Heavenly Anthem Drowns
All Music But It's Own
Awake my soul and sing
Of Him Who Died For Thee
And Hail Him As Thy Matchless King
Through All Eternity

(Male Solo)
Crown Him The Lord Of Love
Behold His Hands And Side
Each Wound's Yet Visible Above
His Beauty Glorified!

No Angel In The Sky
Can Fully Bear The Sight
But None Withstands His Wandering Eye
And Mystery So Bright!

(Full Group)
Crown Him The Lord Of Life
Who Triumphed O'er The Grave
Who Rose Victorious In The Sight
Of Those He Came To Save!

His Glory Now Receive
Who Died And Rose On High
Who Died Eternal Life To Bring
And Live That Death May Die!

Writer(s): Matthew Ward, Anne Herring, Nelly Greisen
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