Black God (With Commentary)

So here-here we are with Black God, where we quite
Deliberately and methodically end
And the LP, more or less as we started it
Kind of a nice, kind of bookend vibe to the whole thing
So you've got the miserable heavy metal
Sort of versions in the middle there
And again, another, without realizing it
Somewhat bold move

It's only when we listen, for me personally
Listening back to these now and having to
To think of reasons, you know, why we did these things
And you think, why? I'm not entirely sure
It was an excellent idea and an excellent piece of music
Beautifully played by Martin
On both violin and keyboards, so it just
It kind of shows that the band had really grown
Without realizing it, I suppose

Because we still felt very much like just little kids
Playing with, you know
Just our little heavy metal friends
But listening to the quality of this
It's clear that we were fairly switched on
When it came to the music, as much as
We may have tried to deny that at those times

So for me, overall, I'm really quite proud of the whole
Well, in fact, I'm quite proud of everything we've done
But just having to concentrate on
Turn Loose right now and particularly these songs
Really quite proud of what we've done
And really quite impressed of the maturity we showed
Back then in the face of potential
You know, we could have really fucked it all up
But I don't think we did

The female vocals on Black God were performed by Xena
And she was at one of the "My Dying Bride" shows
We did in London very early days, '92, I think
And she's a big fan of the band
And she told me that she was a musician
And she had released a single
And I listened to her music
And I thought it was really good
And I thought she might be able to bring
Something to the My Dying Bride table

So uhh, Black God was in development, I gave her a ring
Asked her to come up and see if
She would be interested in laying down some vocals
With me for that track, with Martin doing the violins
And yes, she came up from London
To Academy Studios in the north of England
And it worked out really well
A really unusual way to end the album

Although we started it in a similar sort of vein, really
Would seeming, nice to end it almost, not with a wimp, but
With less of a scream and a shout
It's kind of a nice relaxing ending to the album
And it's still obviously miserable as hell
Which is exactly what you expect from us
Uhm, but it's less oppressive, I think
And it's just a nice way to come down
After the 50 minutes of utter destruction

That was preceded this track, and it's just
It's a great track, a nice way to end it
Good vocals, uhm and yes
Cheers for everyone for buying the album
Supporting us over the years
I hope you've enjoyed it, we've certainly enjoyed it
And let's see if we can do maybe a commentary on another
Turn Loose in its 40th anniversary

And die in sight of heaven

Writer(s): Aaron Stainthorpe, Andrew David Craighan, Martin Powell, Adrian Richard Winfield Jackson, Richard Dominic Miah, Calvin Webster Robertshaw
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