The Last Dictator 2 (Live)

Well he set out for his desert throne
With a manic grin
And a hand carved set of games that no one could win
The angels also provided a wife
To whom he could dictate for life

Well this Eve was like no other
Her last husband, she said, was her son and her lover
And possibly even also her brother

You could tell that this Eve had been around
From the canyons on her face
Which converged to form an enomous frown
She said she'd rather not hang around
And would just as soon head across
To the quiet side of town
Lay low, close to the ground
Till this thing about the apple calmed down

In the end a few undisclosed promises brought her around
And together they moved to his desert town
Where he set about building a seven year clock
And redesigning blinds, boxes and blocks

Next day
He called a meeting of those near and dear
And those who would come out of fear
His wife was there
But again she'd been drinking
And appeared at the same time
To be standing and sinking
While those in fear, who numbered somewhat more
Kept moving about the floor, holding their breath
Close to the door
There were some notable absentees
Einstein was gone
His enormous organ

Would never again say 'Guten Morgen'

But at least the remaining crew
Were easy to dictate to
My friends I have assembled you all here today
To pave the way - yes pave the way
Toward everlasting peace and equal pay
The man who excuses himself
Accuses himself
I am not that man
I make no excuses
I'm back, I'm better
I have fresh funding and a brand new deal
With universal appeal
We're going all the way to the top this time
Only this time we stop on top!

Power corrupts!
A voice spoke up
On this first day
I suspect this god has feet of clay
Kill that stranger and be quick - I
tire of such people, they make me sick
Why power is to truth what history is to song
It all depends on what you're
looking for and where you're looking from
And which side you happen to land upon

The explosion was in the suitcase
But the suitcase missed the plane
I find it more comfortable to travel by train
You know what I say is true
And I blame it all upon the color Blue
From now on it will be called Not Green
I think you know how I feel and just what I mean.

Writer(s): Simon Bonney, Bronwyn Bonney, Mick Harvey, Thomas Stern, Chrislo Haas
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