An Evolution of Thought

Thesis, opening the floor for antithesis,
spawning common grounds for synthesis,
is how thought evolves,
altering long held truths,
offering plausible proof
that every thought lies on shaky ground.

This world was flat once;
orbital sun —
mob perspective,
with condemnation,
for those who'd deviate from
age held truths.

What weight should deserve,
all present belief,
if future theorems,
stand to dethrone the now?

Ebb and then flow,
in time may we learn we never knew one thing.
Ebb and then flow,
in time may we learn we grow staying open.
Ebb and then flow,
in time may we learn from those we would estrange.
Ebb and then flow,
in time may we learn the laws of change.

Thesis, opening the floor for antithesis,
inviting synthesis,
ushering in a new era of understanding
ripe for an opposing thesis,
opening the floor for antithesis,
inviting synthesis,
ushering in a new era of understanding —
Ebb and then flow.

So, what weight should deserve,
all present belief,
if future theorems,
stand to dethrone?

Is there such thing as wisdom?
Are there any truths?
Could we bring ourselves
to accept there aren't?
And then if there was no wisdom,
could we free ourselves,
from forged inequality,
of mind?

Thesis, opening the floor for antithesis,
spawning common grounds for synthesis,
ushering in a new era of understanding
shaping unique theories for opposing thesis
opening the floor for antithesis,
spawning common grounds for synthesis,
ushering in a new era of understanding
shaping unique theories for opposing thesis...

Let's believe nothing;
all is possible,
so dismiss nothing;
entertain every theory.

This world was flat once,
orbital sun,
with condemnation,
for deviant ones.

Writer(s): Ben Davis, Eric Stone, Matt Young, Steve Rennie, Dave Journeaux
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