Life's Too Short

Sometimes you need something to happen to you
To put things in perspective
Now so many people
Hate me
And I thought I hated so many people
Just a waste of time
Life's way to short, yeah
You only live once, so this is my only chance
Life's too fucking short, rest in peace Nolan Chance
I almost died myself, October 12th, 4 A.
God almost threw a deadly wrench into my pefect plan
And out of nowhere, here comes a helping hand
A good senerity starts hosing off the burning van
45 minutes trapped in that suburan air
When I saw my life flash before my eyes
Seems so worthless, man
Just in time
Jaws got me out to circumstance, I'm just a fuck up god
I didn't even earn this chance
But since you gave it to me, I'ma try and change my ways
Looking back all the time I wasted blazin' days away
Write a couple lines
I'll finish this verse after soon,
tomorrow is a promise not even this afternoon
Then morning, but what's so good about it though?
My life is like a movie but I ain't puttin' on no fucking show
Life is a game, we're all trapped in it
Forced to play but never winning
You don't wanna waste one minute
Holdin grudges, hatred isn't worth it.
Life's too short
I'm telling you there's no point in dwelling
I ain't holding on the past anymore,
live everyday like my last because life's too short
I get so many chances, but somehow I alwais fail
Seems like I only talk to god when I end up in jail
Soon as I get out, my train of thought derails
I'm smokin' weed again
I'm drinkin', and I hit females
I don't know why I do it
I feel so fuckin' stupid
And I can't blame it on the way that I grew up influenced
I'm 21 now, it's time to grow the fuck up
I should've listened to all the people I told to shut up
But I was young and stubborn, little Kyle knew it all
Told the world to suck my dick and all I did was blew my balls
But who are you to call me a low life, look at you
I ain't on no straight and arrow but your life is crooked too
Shit, there I go again, tryin' to point the blame away from myself
I need help, I know that, but yo,
they say admittin' is the first step towards
Success and I'll keep walkin' there, with or without legs
Roll up in my wheelchair
Life's a game, we're all trapped in it
Forced to play but never winning
You don't wanna waste one minute
Holdin grudges, hatred isn't worth it
Life's too short, I'm telling you there's no point in dwelling
And I ain't holding on the past anymore
Live everyday like my last because life's too short
Lot of friends did me wrong, but I don't seek bastards
'Cause they say karma is the hide and seek master
I'm sure it'll find you, just like it found me, thanksgiving
And this is real talk, it ain't rap and it ain't singing
Tryin' to teach you something, whether you learn or not
That don't mean nothing to me
I'm just tryin' to earn my spot I haven't
'Cause I know how I died in that crash that night
I would have been in hell for all my afterlife
Lookin' back at life, makes me upset
I wish I could tell you I look back with no regrets
But yo, that ain't the case, for example
Stole that phone,
I was 18 and they still won't leave me the fuck alone
But it's whatever though, I'm gettin better, bro
Way over my ex's, what bitch, you think I can't get a hoe?
That's when I realize that I actually am alone
This is just a desicion, my emotions that I'll never show
Life's a game, we're all trapped in it
Forced to play but never winning
You don't wanna waste one minute
Holding grudges, hatred isn't worth it
Life's too short, I'm telling you there is no point in dwelling
And I ain't holding on the past anymore
Live everyday like my last 'cause life's too short

Writer(s): Kyle James Spratt
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