Married To the Sea

Well he stood before the ocean in the middle of the night
And because he loved her so he asked her to be his wife
And then he closed his eyes and waited, and listened for an answer
Until she kissed his feet and
whispered, 'I could not give you my hand sir.'
Then as she walked him up and down along the shore
She said, "You're far too young to marry me
For I am old as old can be
And I've been wed with many men
But for all my love I've far outlived them all."
So he went to her the next night all a-merried up with wine
And he asked her for her long blue hand, for to hold with his entwined
And then once again he waited and listened for a while
Until he heard her voice come crashing in the waves
That broke all round for miles and miles
She said, "How could I place my trust in thee
For I am bound and you are free?
See so many men have took my hand
And so many of them left me for the land
There were fishermen, whalers, seamen and sailors
But for all it's just me and the moon
And for each star above me, ten more have loved me
How could it be different with you?"
So when it was quiet on the third
night, he said, "My life is in your hands
You can keep me for the time I have, Or I'll lie here on the sand."
And it was quiet on the third night as he took off my shoes
But as he walked into her arms she said
"Sure what have I to lose."

Writer(s): Declan Edward O'rourke
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