Defiant in Horror

Victims bleed in the caverns dark,
amidst grey stone walls.
Suffering for their God
Hunt for control, put fear into this land.
This territory is damned within the dead.
Defiant in horror, the blades of clashing steel,
They echo through the flesh, beneath the blood drenched hills of Gods.
Bleed in eternal horror, to die in defiant honour.
The sky's darken on the hour, to bleed for the Devils power.
Vengeful I slay the cowards, from the highest holy towers.
Pierced by the horns in suffering.
Conquer all in this battle fought. Decimate all force.
Inside this war I fight til I fall, Defiant in honour.
Reign in immortal horror, under sky's in this blackened darkness.
Hail of inverted masters, to wipe out the holy bastards.
Burn their chapels with their holy fathers.
Exterminate, evil disaster.
Clawed by the horns in suffering.
Conquer all in this battle fought. Decimate all force.
Inside this war. I fight!
A storm of grave demons come riding in vileness,
In vengeance and honour. Spat from the tongue in violent horror.
They curse you, destroy you. Battle gods from the walls of fire.
The liars re birthed you, nocturnal rites from the sky's deployed you.
Victims bleed in the caverns dark,
amidst grey stone walls.
Suffering for their God

Writer(s): Matthew Dean Crossingham
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