John and the Mouse

Down in the city, lived a mouse named Mikey
Near the orange box
Close by a house, a home for a fox
That's where the story starts
Magic John's the name, 8-pool's his game
He had a horn and a broken heart
Big and kind fella, quite a story tella
John was tough and kind

On a cold winter day
Mikey ran away
To find a place to stay
And some food... Cheese and beans
He could never know
What his fate would show
Both their eyes did glow
Found the love of his dreams

Magic John snorted, Little Mikey farted
Lord, such a suffer
When their eyes met, tbeir love was so great
They knew they were made for each other

Let me tell you buddy
The end of this story
Is far from happy
It's the only way you see
Everybody knows
Love between a mouse
And a big mighty fox
Was never meant to be

No, but the story wasn't over yet
For vicious Mikey crept away from his grave
To haunt poor John one more time
Such a suffer, such a suffer
Lord have mercy on his soul

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