Sevdim Seni (Mabuduma)

Sevdim seni mabuduma
Canan diye sevdim
Sevdim seni mabuduma
Canan diye sevdim

I loved you, my beloved
I loved you as my soul
I loved you, my beloved
I loved you as my soul

Bir ben değil alem sana
Hayran diye sevdim
Bir ben değil alem sana
Hayran diye sevdim

Not just I, but the whole world
I loved you with admiration
Not just I, but the whole world
I loved you with admiration

Evladu iyalden geçerek
Ben ravzana geldim
Evladu iyalden geçerek
Ben ravzana geldim

Passing through generations with love
I came to your presence
Passing through generations with love
I came to your presence

Ahlakını meth etmeden
Kuran diye sevdim
Ahlakını meth etmeden
Kuran diye sevdim

Without praising your character
I loved you for the Quran
Without praising your character
I loved you for the Quran

Kurbanın olam şahıresul
Kovma kapından
Kurbanın olam şahıresul
Kovma kapından

You are the sacrifice, O Prophet
Do not banish me from your door
You are the sacrifice, O Prophet
Do not banish me from your door

Didarına müştak olan
Yezdan diye sevdim
Didarına müştak olan
Yezdan diye sevdim

I loved you for God
Longing for your vision
I loved you for God
Longing for your vision

Mahşer de nebiler bile
Senden medet ister
Mahşer de nebiler bile
Senden medet ister

Even on the Day of Judgment, the prophets
Seek help from you
Even on the Day of Judgment, the prophets
Seek help from you

Gül yüzlü melekler sana
Hayran diye sevdim
Gül yüzlü melekler sana
Hayran diye sevdim

The angels with beautiful faces
I loved you with admiration
The angels with beautiful faces
I loved you with admiration

Tanıyamadım hakkıyla Allah'ı
Sevemedim layıkıyla Resulullah'ı
Yüzüm yok huzurda yer almaya
Merhametine muhtacım ya Resulallah

I couldn't recognize Allah properly
I couldn't love the Prophet rightfully
I have no place in the presence anymore
I am in need of your mercy O Prophet

Senin gibi tanıyamadım alemi
Senin gibi yaşayamadım yılları
Senin gibi sevemedim kulları
Sevgine muhtacım ya Resulallah

I couldn't know the world like you did
I couldn't live the years like you did
I couldn't love the servants like you did
I am in need of your love O Prophet

Gönlüm kırık gözüm yaşlı
Artık ömrümün sonbaharı
Şimdi vuslat zamanı
Şefaatine muhtacım ya Resulallah
Şefaatine muhtacım ya Nebiallah
Şefaatine muhtacım ya Habiballah

My heart is broken, my eyes are teary
Now it's the autumn of my life
Now is the time for reunion
I am in need of your intercession O Prophet
I am in need of your intercession O Messenger of Allah
I am in need of your intercession O Beloved of Allah

Gül yüzlü melekler sana
Hayran diye sevdim
Gül yüzlü melekler sana
Hayran diye sevdim
Gül yüzlü melekler sana
Hayran diye sevdim
Gül yüzlü melekler sana
Hayran diye sevdim

I loved you with admiration
The angels with beautiful faces
I loved you with admiration
The angels with beautiful faces
I loved you with admiration
The angels with beautiful faces
I loved you with admiration

Writer(s): Anonim
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