Porn Generation

Hey bitch
Show me your body from hair to toes
It'll be forgotten in five minutes
Play with my senses and give me your privacy
Female body is used to sell any shit
So don't f*ck on us with your feminist bullshit
Enjoy and cum in silence

THIS is our Porn Generation
Nothing has changed since prehistory
Breeding coded in our DNA
Connected to the soul's pleasure
Weakness of the average
Profit of mighty advertiser

Everywhere I watch
I can stare at all these curves
And false charming faces
Male primary instinct at every corner

THIS is our Porn Generation
Nothing has changed since prehistory
Breeding coded in our DNA
Connected to the soul's pleasure
Weakness of the average
Profit of mighty advertiser

There's nothing you can do
Let it invades your TV
Newspapers, streets and even your computer
You'll never stop, the unstoppable

So take your best low-cost dress
Get in your "f*ck me" heels
Make your fancy nail art
And put on your whore makeup
Cover you with the latest perfume
Embody the media's feminine ideal
Be ready to get on your knees

Don't be surprise of a teen
F*cking a forty-years-old
It already reaches our child to the core

THIS is our Porn Generation
Nothing has changed since prehistory
Breeding coded in our DNA
Connected to the soul's pleasure
Weakness of the average
Profit of mighty advertiser

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